If the version of setuptools is more than 50.0.0 then everything should be fine.ħ.) After all these steps, in auto-py-to-exe, when the conversion is complete, the. Also, in the script, writing import setuptools may help.
To upgrade it to the latest version, on command prompt, you will have to write pip install -upgrade setuptools. First, you have to write import sys if not written already, second, you have to make a variable for eg, location=getattr(sys,"_MEIPASS",".")+"/", third, the location of example.png would be location+"/example.png" if it is not in any folder.Ħ.) If it is showing any error, it may probably be because of a module called setuptools not being at the latest version. ico file instead of an image so to convert it, you can use ĥ.) If your script uses external files, you can add them through auto-py-to-exe and in the script, you will have to do some changes to their path.
exe file and the screenshot of it is shared below. exe file ready.Ĥ.) There will be buttons for everything you need to make a. Also, closing command prompt will close auto-py-to-exe also so don't close it till you have your. It may take up to a minute the first time. You will have to press enter on command prompt to get the result of the line that you are typing.ģ.) Once it is installed, on command prompt itself, you can simply type just auto-py-to-exe to open it. exe file as you don't have to learn anything to use it.ġ.) It may not work for python 3.9 on some devices I guess.Ģ.) While installing python, if you had selected 'add python 3.x to path', open command prompt from start menu and you will have to type pip install auto-py-to-exe to install it.
The best and easiest way is auto-py-to-exe for sure, and I have given all the steps and red flags below which will take you just 5 mins to get a final. Python -m pysimplegui-exemaker.pysimplegui-exemaker It's called pysimplegui-exemaker and can be pip installed. There is PySimpleGUI GUI based solution that uses PyInstaller. This is as close to getting what looks like a Winforms program to run that was written in Python. Because all of my programs have a GUI and I do not want to command window to show, the -w option will hide the command window. The command I use to create my exe file is: I'm running 3.6 and PyInstaller is working great! If you are using tkinter say so and I'll try to get the script and instructions published. If you're not using tkinter it may "just work" for you.
One of the project contributors developed a script that fixed the problem. There were issues getting tkinter to compile with Nuikta. I've been using Nuitka and PyInstaller with my package, PySimpleGUI.